Tuesday 20 December 2022

doodle collection 12.20.22 + some…SOME talking

hellooooo! :D

currently posting from my phone, so this may end up looking weird on pc lol

anyways, today i went to school and forgot my backpack…already a great start 

however, i did take the chance to doodle during my free time today…rather than that, there’s not all too much to talk about lol

here are my doodles from today!!! some are low quality shhh

hideo suwa obviously. the enkaman look…i like the big tacky hats

THE ezaki masaru. the thomas arrow is a reference to something i found funny that is…overly specific

milanooooo…i miss her…im still waiting on my hy4_4yh cd…m(-  -)m 

thats all i drew at school…i did draw some more stuff outside of school though 

…ill figure out how to end my blog posts properly later or something…for now though, bye bye!!! 


Sunday 18 December 2022



ive had this blog for about two years but, i never got around to doing what i wanted with it. now i fixed everything, and it looks good, and i can post on it.......woohoo!!

im planning to use this as an actual diary i can update...

ill try and make an about me post tomorrow lol

(ill figure everything else out later. its 11 pm as im typing)

before i end this off look at him please. i dont know how to remove images send help
