Monday 19 February 2024

2.19.24 recent days...thoughts and whatnot :p


how is everyone? good? good!

these past few days have been interesting's february, and mid-february for that matter too...

i remember nearly every course i was in starting revision around this was stressful, and i didnt focus enough ;_; i know ill regret not focusing for real so im hoping i can actually live up to the effort i have to put in. and not to mention ramadan is in 2 weeks...almost. it's around the 10th of march this year. the thing about ramadan is that every year, it's ~10 days earlier than the previous year, so there's never a set date. one decade, ramadan may be in the spring and summer months, and in the next itll be in the winter months, and so on, so forth!

ramadan brings a weird sense of comfort for me. <3 it gets exhausting (not really the fasting...i can withstand that...its really just the timing and accidentally drinking ice cold water first thing after fasting) but i still love it regardless

i really do wanna buy myself some gifts for eid...maybe some more kenji merch (cough gag gag hack)my mom will probably give me like a big fat NO because of my exams but. maybe if i do good in anything soon to come i may convince her...

i've also been having worse mood swings. either it's pms or im just a major bitch ;_: i hate themmmm...i hate mood swings...i promise i like people...

besides that ive been enjoying my merch haul so much...i'm listening to haruuta as i write this!!! i guess i got it at the right time. spring is due to come...^3^!!

oh! i recently updated my clementine layout. how do you like it? o3u
it's just some golden bomber magazine scan i saved off of tumblr lol

i feel like i've been lazier with scrobbling LOL i need to get my shit together and scrobble 100 times a day.......

and could i NOT talk about my golden bomber dvds

which dvds...hmm...oh! 

kyan hage feat. kenji is so good............................i love my cutiepie smexy sasuke boy(my affectionate nickname towards him. either that or skank. deal with it)

lol do you like my folders.......the dvd menu is the same for both discs 1 and 2 ^.^ i think the next time i buy a golden bomber dvd itll probably be the kenji ver. of hadaka no ousama 2013...but uhm...thats risky because he's shirtless on the front cover AND he's groping an ass on the back cover ;_; (oh and btw was it jun's ass? or kyan's ass? i forgot)
i also wanna get kinbaku all stars 2012 but that'll be like...difficult since its a fanclub tour. and one with 3 DISCS at that. but i want my suppin kenji im keeping my fingers crossed that someone will sell it for cheap by eid...hehe
i also found the narcisse kenji uchiha fan for cheap so fingers crossed i'll manage to buy it too T_T

little screencap from the intro scandalous...kenji nip slip...oh la la...

on a similar note...owning stylish weapon'10 feels so cool. i feel like it gives me bragging rights. like yeah. i own stylish weapon'10. that makes me a real kinbakugya. because i own stylish weapon'10. did you know i own stylish weapon'10? yeah i own stylish weapon'10. it was the first dvd they made after all their live through the year 2009+pressure and brassiere night dvds. what dvd? stylish weapon'10 WHICH I OWN

and also the dvd menu is SO CUTE???????!?!?!?!?? THEYRE SO HAPPY Q - Q
one thing i find weird is how the kinbaku dvds in my collection that predate issho baka dont have separate chapters from the get-go in the dvd menu. you just click to watch all of them and once you play you just have to find the song you're looking for by yourself lol :p

oneman kowai is also pretty cool but my computer hates it for whatever reason LOLLLLLLL it never registers it so i never got to watch it much but i like the intro video (it still works regardless and the disc looks fine LOL dont try and scare me...)

issho baka is also really nice those 5 or so minutes of suppin kenji that we got Changed My Life Forever

i think that's all. thanks for reading

much love (u_o)


Tuesday 13 February 2024

2.13.24 my (mostly) golden bomber merch haul!!!


sorry for not updating this thing -.- i have studying to do...obviously lol. alevel bio is killing meeeeeeeeeee X< 

anyways. no long intro about my feelings....the title says it all! i recently got my exam results, so i bought a bunch of things to celebrate how good i did!!!!

....i wanna show you all what i got!!! ^o^ im writing this on my phone so i hope things are formatted well!!

(well...was...i ended up finishing this on pc anyways lol)

i bought these on the 19th of january...and after waiting for so long because of ONE cd, it finally arrived yesterday!

oh and also song of the post is haruuta by hy4_4yh cus why not

without further ado...


starting off strong with shinda tsuma ni niteiru kenji version!!! no obi sadly but still a cool thing to have nonetheless. <3 i love kenjis singing voice sooo's really rough but also there's an interesting sort of 
when i tried ripping the disc it registered as the kyan yutaka vocal version so i had to fix it myself. lol

a detail i thought was really cute! a message from kenji in the tray of the cd case :o the text translates to something like "i'll send my singing voice to the world" but i could be wrong...ferry cute...i love kenji

of course, it came with the body perfume card.....very sexy but i have to guard this thing with my LIFE in the worst case scenario that my mom might see it (lol) also too scared to open it and smell the body perfume. not because itll smell bad (lol) just because...well...just because! i think the smell might be too strong... >_> and itll leave a mark...

haruuta by hy4_4yh!!!!! this cd took so long to arrive T___T worth it though. i love it!!! such cute songs. such a cute design too.....its so....catcore
utatta is probably one of my favorite b-sides now lol. its so adorable
apparently kimi x4 is a cover of a song from ezaki masaru's band from the 90s, strobe roadies. he said so in a blog post of his from when the single released :p its such a cute song. 
didnt take a pic but the tray has like a cheetah print design where the disc should be. cute!

speedy wonder by hy4_4yh!!!! been looking for this one for a while too!!!! i love the whole design *_* the title track reminds me a lot of 2010s ayumi hamasaki...sort i love the tonal shift like two or so minutes in
atashi no hikari is a cute j-r&b style song...tbf in the early 2010s hy4_4yh were REALLY into namie amuro
i love 2010s hy4 so much...ezaki masaru is a genius producer im so serious
this ep has such a cool and distinctive pop sound to it. i wish itd end up on streaming already T_T 

kyan hage but...KENJI! and unlike yutaka......kenji has a wonderful head of hair xoxo 
it's a 2-disc dvd too. imagine my luck!

super cute kenjicchi from the disc...

issho baka dvd!!! one of my favorite tours. it feels like 2012 was such a busy year for golden bomber...issho baka, oh kinbaku pic, kinbaku all stars, golden album...if only i could time travel...
i like the plot of the tour too. sho plays a guy named baka yamada (yes. thats his first name ok...its written in kanji as if its a genuine name LOL) in the intro. he ends up getting rejected from his job because of his name, which causes him to get mad at his wife (played by yutaka), which THEN causes him to end his life by jumping off a bridge but instead he ends up on the stage LOL
i liked seeing keni without makeup. he's a bit sexier without makeup but >_> shhhh dont tell a soul

tag yourself im all the extra "etc."s

stylish weapoooooooon!!!!! cool concert dvd. mainly just bought it because it was old >_> its the oldest kinbaku dvd in my collection currently! i love the pink theming...

oneman kowai. wow memeshikute's popularity really got to kirisho didnt it. poor guy!
haven't gotten around to watching it...dont tell anyone
the guy on the cover is kenji. the character he plays is actually...just called one man. wow

golden clips!!!!! getting this was sooo got sold like three times before i could buy it :'> still survived though so HAH
mainly bought it for the trauma kyabajou pv...

the booklet!!!! i think dvd booklets should be the norm. honestly...

and that marks all the optical media i got!!! now...for the misc. merch ^^

can badges!!! top left is from hadaka no ousama 2013 i believe? top right is from oh kinbaku pick 2012, bottom left is kinbaku all stars 2012, idk about bottom right :p i attached the hadaka no ousama one to my outing bag!!!

was so happy to get this...if you're the seller and you come across this i hope you have a good day today. guessing by the color scheme it was probably kenji themed too

still attached him to one of my bags regardless LOL

a phone charm from the issho baka tour :> it wont look good with my current phone case, but i'm waiting on another one so hopefully it'll look better with that...

and this is the pencil case i keep all my can badges and phone charms (issho baka one+a pre-existing collection of mine) in it ^.^ not bought from buyee, but rather a supermarket that had it in some sort of bargain bin. the tag says its from 2014 i think? idk. i cant be bothered to check LOL but i just use it as a storage unit lol. no reason as to why its here besides i just think its cool and i love ruby gloom

kinbaku all stars 2012 t-shirt!!!!! ^q^ buying this was a total gamble!!!! i had no idea whether itd fit or not (although it is a free size) but it fits so woohoo!!!! and jun are one in the same...

last but not least...
kenji plushie!!!
from the hadaka no ousama 2013 tour!!!!! he's so adorable...i slept with him beside me last night q.q 
i think this haul is very telling of who my favorite golden bomber member is

isn't he just adorable

thank you for reading this post!!!!!!! genuinely, thank you :>
i hope you enjoyed something here. is there something in this haul the two of us own? something from the haul that you want to own? something you just find interesting? tell me all about it!!!!
this haul was sooo worth all the tears i cried doing 15 mark pseudocode questions...
