Thursday 18 July 2024

GOLDEN BOMBER MERCH HAUL JULY '24! \(^o^)/ early birthday gift/post-exam treat? idk lol


sorry for the lateness in making this post ^^' no reason i was'll see why later on

i ordered all my stuff in late june, around the 20th (kiriba!) and it all arrived on the 16th!!!!!! shockingly fast because everything arrived to the warehouse on the 10th. and i used small package which takes me like 2 weeks on average...

my mom let me order some more merch!!!! which was incredibly kind of her q-q hopefully once my results come out i'll get good grades which means MORE!!!!!! (although my computers actively dying so maybe i need to...NOT buy dvds lol) 

i'll start off with misc stuff and then go on to dvds and cds! 
first off, some cheki and a photo!! my first cheki ever actually LOL. they're all from 2012...i think :p top 2 i know for sure are from '12, the suit one is from some golden album related event (maybe an issho baka concert?) and the other from an obama blog book signing event. cuuuute. i think the bottom one is late 2012. he often parted his hair like that during the fanclub tour that year. 
funny story; the cheki of him in a suit came in a set with the big golden album photo. when i opened the packaging, they were in a thin box for an iphone 4 screen protector???? i was really confused and wondering if i got scammed...thankfully not lol

a kenji-colored keychain from the hadaka no ousama tour, 2013. it was common for every tour to have keychains that were member colored, especially in the early 2010s. i like kenji's because a) kenji and b)....PINK. i want ten of them. wonderful keychains.
i cant wait to hang it on a bag or something. im too scared to do that. but i want to. maybe i can hang it on whichever bag i'm taking for the day...yeah!

a pin from the kyan hage tour, 2014. came with my narcisse kenji necklace as a bonus. i like it. not much to say :p i wonder what i can use it for...

the necklace in questionnnn~~~~ isnt it nice...i can already imagine myself wearing it...repping my favorite kenji alter ego...kyaaaa

a closer look at the engraving ^.^

last but not least of the misc. things....MY JUNKO BAG!!!!!!!!! i remember finding it for 450 yen back in may, asking to buy it, my mom thought it was ugly, someone else bought it, i got sad, for a while the only listing of it was 2500 yen...but then my friend sent me a 1500 yen listing right after my exams were done!!!!! my mom actually likes it now though...i dont know if youll read this but thank you aru q_q she sent me the listing with the cheki too. saved a life...

the back...her name's junko @ reita no yome (reita's wife LOL. like the bassist of the gazette) but here its...all stars!!!!

...and the inside ^.^ no pouches inside which is to be expected but i like when bags have little pockets for things. lol

OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!! found a signed copy for 500 yen. why not snag it? it's a good book and a bit more interesting than the second book imo; there's posts from his livedoor blog too!! (he describes them as being negative and advises skipping them LOL poor thing) o_o how cool is that!!! there's a little flipbook of him getting naked in the corner of the pages too. cuuuute. the special gravure at the start consists of pompadour kenji, mukku cowering in fear, narcisse kenji, NAKED kenji (twice actually...) and its terrifying. but this is it. the true essence of kenji is in this book. this book and kenji are one. he is obama blog. obama blog is kenji

OBAMA......TWO! it even comes with the CD!!!!! 
the gravure in this is a bit better. not much nakedness until the very end...hehe
it starts off with a few alter ego; him in his dance my generation makeup, narcisse kenji, p.e teacher kenji (?????????) and...kenji darvish! its a nice book too. mostly just blog posts from 2011-2012 ;3; at the end there's a pic of him showering. heheehehhehehe

the 8cm cd (3rd pic), natsumonogatari was originally a song from a band kenji was in called hellcopter. he was 20 when he recorded the song and he was on vocals AND guitar! there's a cool interview about it all. here you go

and now we move on to cds and dvds! ^q^

sho kiryuin's first solo CD, life is showtime!!! it's a solid song. came in a set with a few things and a win is a win i feel...this is type b, the oni version. the oni version of the music video just has shots of kirisho instead of the kamen rider guy (not too into kr im sorry) at the start. very nice! it came in a set so i think its just a nice addition to my collection!

the past masters! shokai genteiban type B specifically. niceeee...lots of old rarities * . * its so fun watching it all. kenji's old makeup was really really really elaborate.
the booklet itself issss around 16 or so pages? it's fairly thick, just has lyrics and member shots :p i think i want type A
overall, if you want older concert stuff, go for type B. if you want more of the members being stupid, go for type A ^^ simple! the cd will stay the same no matter which one you pick lol

oh kinbaku pick!! the kenji camera version!!! 
i bought this back in may, but it got cancelled. words can not describe how happy i am now that i have it ;_; i have yet to watch it, but usually member versions before kyan hage are kinda hard to find, so this was a total steal...and it came in a set with a bunch of other stuff!!!! (keychain, another dvd, past masters, obama blog book 2) all that for 980 yen!!!! im so so so happy...i think i also want the kenji ver. for the issho baka concert. every time i save it it gets sold out before i get to it LOL

speaking of issho collection of issho baka dvds is complete!!!!! \(^o^)/ woohoo!!!!
i love this series of concerts sooooo much * . * mainly for makeupless kenji okay. he seemed so embarrassed in the first concert after the fourth stageplay but in the 1.15 concert he seems much happier hueheuehuehe q-q although he does rush to put his makeup back on LOL. what i found interesting about the 1.21 dvd is that no shokai genteiban of it exists??? which is strange ;-; but at least it means i dont have to dig for anything else LOL

we're at the last stretch of the post!!! last but most certainly not least is ZENRYOKU BAKA!!!! their last concert of 2010. a very interesting one, and also where we see christine yutako for the first time!!! this is also my first shokai genteiban dvd of a concert!!! i'm beyond happy to have this T_T like actually. i got it for really cheap, and even though the listing description talked about the condition of the disc, both seemed to play just fine
...or so i thought

the omake dvd ripped just fine, but the live dvd. ;_; it took me a whole day to even figure out what to do. i thought it was a drive related issue. it wasnt; it was more of a software one. it would go up to 12 percent whenever i ripped it using dvd decrypter alone, so i had to redownload ripit4me because it needed a PSL file. something like that. i spent nearly all of yesterday trying to rip it. several cases of my drive warming up my couch. my dvd vibrating inside the drive. that was why i was mentioned earlier

AAAHHHH ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!! I WROTE A POST!!!!!!!!!!! ...although i may edit it to add a thing or two later lol
is there anything here you find interesting? anything you like? anything the two of us own? o3o let me know!!!

bye bye!


Monday 15 July 2024

sadness, studying, re-ripping my cds...and my golden bomber merch :>

(smiling friends homunculus voice) helloooo hello blog hello helloooooo helloooo

hope you guys are well m(_ _)m i am finally home again! better wifi! my own room!!!! god i missed my room so bad <3 for a while i studied on a tiny couch in a cramped room that i shared with my brother and now i can still study in a tiny couch, just...alone! it's been therapeutic in a way, working from my bed, sitting upright...ahhh

physics has been HELL so far!!! what the hell is free fall how do i calculate  the pressure  in water  ahhhgghghghghhhhh nooooo!!!!!!!! so hard!!!! much stress...chemistry's fine though

this past month has been interesting for me in a physical sense ;_; it seems like ive been getting worse hormonally again...i don't know. i'm somewhat better now but it feels like i have moments where i get this sense of fear and my body goes into some kind of panic mode. my muscles tense up and my heartbeat becomes more abnormal? i wish i could describe it better. that and while i was in egypt i ended up discovering some bump on my chest was actually a fibroma...a benign one that got better after a week but that day i was just crushed (T___T) it happened to land on the day of a golden bomber concert too so when i got back from the hospital my entire feed was just the gb concert so my mood was ruined more or less. hope everyone enjoyed it regardless (u_u) i'll go...someday...i discussed a solo trip to japan w my mom and dad because why not and they said it's somewhat possible but i'd need to start saving up asap because tickets to japan from here are NOT

i can't even afford to get sad anymore because if i do my entire endocrine system implodes to put it simply. ironically that info only makes me more sad...

regardless, guess who finally figured out how to use EAC :~D sosososo happy!!!!! now my discs are...CUELOGGED! AHHHHH! YAY!!!!!!

pros: cool rips. cons: embarassingly long pc paths. no checksum in the end of the log files? which is weird. whateva

i was getting sadder today too, honestly, but then my dad texted me a pic of...MY PACKAGE'S TRACKING's in my country nowwww \(^o^)/ yayyyyyy!!!! haul post...tomorrow! or the day after tomorrow! who knows!

my personal posts comments at all. ive had a streak of no comments for the past month now rip least they help get everything off my chest...

bye bye!
