Monday 15 July 2024

sadness, studying, re-ripping my cds...and my golden bomber merch :>

(smiling friends homunculus voice) helloooo hello blog hello helloooooo helloooo

hope you guys are well m(_ _)m i am finally home again! better wifi! my own room!!!! god i missed my room so bad <3 for a while i studied on a tiny couch in a cramped room that i shared with my brother and now i can still study in a tiny couch, just...alone! it's been therapeutic in a way, working from my bed, sitting upright...ahhh

physics has been HELL so far!!! what the hell is free fall how do i calculate  the pressure  in water  ahhhgghghghghhhhh nooooo!!!!!!!! so hard!!!! much stress...chemistry's fine though

this past month has been interesting for me in a physical sense ;_; it seems like ive been getting worse hormonally again...i don't know. i'm somewhat better now but it feels like i have moments where i get this sense of fear and my body goes into some kind of panic mode. my muscles tense up and my heartbeat becomes more abnormal? i wish i could describe it better. that and while i was in egypt i ended up discovering some bump on my chest was actually a fibroma...a benign one that got better after a week but that day i was just crushed (T___T) it happened to land on the day of a golden bomber concert too so when i got back from the hospital my entire feed was just the gb concert so my mood was ruined more or less. hope everyone enjoyed it regardless (u_u) i'll go...someday...i discussed a solo trip to japan w my mom and dad because why not and they said it's somewhat possible but i'd need to start saving up asap because tickets to japan from here are NOT

i can't even afford to get sad anymore because if i do my entire endocrine system implodes to put it simply. ironically that info only makes me more sad...

regardless, guess who finally figured out how to use EAC :~D sosososo happy!!!!! now my discs are...CUELOGGED! AHHHHH! YAY!!!!!!

pros: cool rips. cons: embarassingly long pc paths. no checksum in the end of the log files? which is weird. whateva

i was getting sadder today too, honestly, but then my dad texted me a pic of...MY PACKAGE'S TRACKING's in my country nowwww \(^o^)/ yayyyyyy!!!! haul post...tomorrow! or the day after tomorrow! who knows!

my personal posts comments at all. ive had a streak of no comments for the past month now rip least they help get everything off my chest...

bye bye!



  1. breaking the no comments streak mwahahaha😈😈😈😈
    smiling friends reference in the very beginning #zased...glad to hear you're back home again hell yeah!!! also i felt that part about physics class very hard. i remember like Nothing from when i took it(over 2 yrs ago) honestly LOL. also OMG im hoping you can do that possible japan trip :D

    1. forever grateful for you . thank YOU for commenting.....
      LOL its a funny-ish show once my vocal stim was smormu dancing id keep saying it to myself over and over

  2. ILY I READ THIS OUT LOUD WHILE WALKING AROUND iwish u dabest forever cat and i hope everything goes well for u and dat japan trip happens and u take lots of cute pictures and get married to yutaka so ican hav exclusiv yutaka pics omfoffmofk
