Tuesday 26 December 2023

12.26.23 "i need a hostess gf so bad *cries*" ~kirisho in mid-2016 probably

helloooooooooooooo to my 2 blogspot viewers. hi

ok today was a bit boring. i mainly studied and when i wanted to make soft boiled eggs i had one egg left so i just gave up on that! i have an AS bio quiz near the end of the week....ahhhh

anyways. song of the day is

drumroll plz



ok drumroll STOP


the BEST killer tunes single. ever. mizushobai wo yamete kurenai ka. 

Look you can try and convince me cd ga urenai yo is the better single but ITS NOT, okay. i know. sad. but yanyayanya night is like just as good as this (its a guilty pleasure song of mine). sometimes the best gb songs are the ones where you can tell kirisho is desperate for pussy materialistic love. and that is okay. thats what makes the song special. its like...the spice needed for a golden bomber album! its okay to admit that sometimes the shallow pointless gb songs are better. happens to all of us <3

I believe every gb album has a formula to it. like a pie chart actually....40 percent past singles 20 percent sad sad songs 10 percent kirisho being like LOLOLOL VISUAL KEI IS SOOOOOOOOO WEIRD XD 10 percent if we're lucky a b-side from a single 10 percent if the tides in the sea allow it A SONG SUNG BY A DIFFERENT MEMBER 10 percent a song about japanese pop culture

anyways...this song is a bit special to me. i remember listening to it when it first came out and it was my first exposure to visual kei as a whole! i was on youtube, bored, listening to whatever j-pop i could come across (instead of doing my homework...) when i saw it. i listened and immediately was grossed out LOL i was all like uhmmm ok. im gonna listen to vocaloid now MEN ARE SO GROSS...this is weird...and then i lost interest really quick (lol) until late 2020 when i listened to memeshikute and the rest is history. i would do anything to relive that moment again. i mean hey even in 2016 i liked kenji darvish! i thought he looked cool! i remember THAT! and look at me now. Im a crazy deranged kenji darvish honmei who needs to study but is writing a blog post instead! history really is a loop! 

Before i end this i wanna say that i downloaded the album because listening to it on spotify fucks up the tags and it all gets scrobbled on lastfm as GOLDEN BOMBER in english and its so UGH.  but either way for whatever reason the flac files i downloaded just dont work at times so...lol its like they want me to stream it instead...lol...maybe i should convert them to mp3s

Anyways thanks. listen to killer tunes shika ne yo and kirisho will come down from a cloud to bless you with like a dvd or clear skin or something. and also do it on spotify


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