Friday 21 June 2024

isnt optical media just so fun? o3o

hope everyones doing well. my phone is charging so for the first time in a while im opening up my laptop again~~~~ 

ive been taking it easy before my studying starts up again, but sadly im at a physical heart rates been getting worse, my appetite become unusual, so on so forth... q_q its saddening but i dont know what couldve caused it...ughhhh
yesterday i watched some new movie with my family lol. its name is something like 3esabet max? i think itd translate into english as max's gang but dont source me on that =3= it was a trashy movie, very funny even though i didnt want it to be, very...egyptian! there was another one i wanted to watch because some actor i like was in it but sadly...too many people. maybe next time? 
when it comes to egyptian cinema its all just movies that are on the so-bad-its-good side of things. they arent for everyone but its nice whenever you wanna take some time off of a serious movie to watch one that genuinely and actually is bad. 
writing this made me remember that kirisho visited egypt like four years ago he shouldve went to city stars. he was in the pyramids. he couldve made his way to cairo. and went to city stars mall. tsk

oh oh oh what else...
yesterday i ordered some stuff off of mercari!!!! a kind act from my moms end~~~ \(^q^)/ im the happiest girl in the world!
haul post coming whenever the package comes obvi! i wanna keep what i got a secret but i will reveal that after this package comes...ill be owning not one not two but THREE kenji darvish chekis. i notice unless theyre super recent chekis included w his birthday goods they tend to be fairly cheap '-' so much for being the most popular gb member JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i found one frommmm 2020-21 for nearly 30 dollars lol if i didnt have the morale or decency i probably wouldve bought it with no second thought. because i miss kenji's long and luscious Quarantine Hair. It was kinda sexy...
two of the cheki i got were in a set too. theyre both from like 2012, but one is from the best of obama blog book signings. for the FIRST book. can u imagine. (its probably not intentional but i wanted to abbreviate 'best of obama blog' just abbreviates as BOOB. kenji...)
im gonna have to wait before shipping my stuff out in egypt and apparently the post office doesnt keep packages for that long so i'll have to be really meticulous with when it ships and when it arrives...i was so motivated i even made a reminder!

ive been wanting to re-rip my cd collection too...
can i tell you a secret...
promise not to tell...
i rip my cds using windows media player
its bad
i know
so called music archivist doesnt even use EAC everyone kill her NOW
i used to use fre:ac so ill just use that again. its easier to work with...sometimes
i didnt bring my cds or disc drive with me so ill just have to remember once i get home

in terms of post-worthy thoughts this is all i can give to you. thanks for reading xoxo


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