Saturday 8 June 2024


lots of o's this time

guess who finally decorated her blog past the default theme O_O this girl!!!!! woohoo! (also i think im gonna stop writing the date before all of my posts its a bit annoying...) hope you guys like it...its a bit hard to read outside of the posts themselves but. ah well...!

i dont have much to say. my first exam in a while is in 3 days. i wanna go to the mall again. i feel ugly and filthy and my executive dysfunction is worsening...but yesterday i straightened my hair...AND SHOWERED in the same day. after i showered i blow dried my hair. then i straightened it. wow!

i think thats all i can say for now...but i have planned on making a kind of long post about (can you guess who)kenji darvish (collective booing from the crowd)awwww come on i expected a better au(tomato gets thrown at me) ow 

but YEAH...since kenji's 15th anniversary of being in gb was in april i wanted to make a blog post then but i just didnt feel like it honestly... ;_; mostly because blog maintenance at the time wasnt that big for me...(<- still isnt that big honestly)

as im writing this i feel like cleaning up some drafts. i made one a while ago about jpop and the effect its had on i feel like its a really really double edged sword for me. jpop is something ive been confiding in and genuinely loving with all my heart since like 2014, but at the same time it's one of those things that can be used against me if i ever get provoked. makes you think

whats something interesting thats happened that doesnt involve either my exams or debilitating self hatred...OH one of my friends who i had a falling out with made a lastfm account and we're mutuals on there so i think we're on better terms. i hope we are...she left a shout on my profile saying i speak like an that true. do i really

im too sad, i say while listening to strawberry switchblade......see thats what a hypocrite sounds like (a nooooote dropped through the doooooooor tells us to gooooooooooo) ive found myself relistening to them lately which is horrible for my depression if im being honest but i think ill allow it (p.s. the song of the post is dark 7 by strawberry switchblade! Listen to it...)

i feel like, as a whole, this first half of the year has been average. definitely started off well but things as of late march havent been that good and maybe its for balance. honestly, who even am i to complain? i dont know why but complaining about anything going on just doesnt feel right. neither is accepting and sucking up to it honestly 

 bye bye!



  1. loving the new blog theme!!!! now this place is more Cat than ever....
    also yeah i get you...first half the year hasnt been that great for me either :P executive dysfunction sure is a bitch isnt it!!!!!! But we shall overcome always :>

    1. haha thank you heni! shocked by how fast u commented ;A;
      surely we'll get better at this m(_ _)m best of luck!!!!

    2. LOL i have you on my RSS feed reader thingy👍 idek when Exactly you made the post but like. Yeah
