Sunday 9 June 2024

good morning i had a pretty weird dream. i have weird dreams pretty often, and for whatever reason with exams coming up ive been remembering my dreams more...i just wanna use this post to try to recall all the dreams ive had that i remember...or just whatever i can recall from those dreams. i dunno...

the reason im writing this is because of a dream i had THIS MORNING. what i can recall was this; me going to this sort of big resembled something a bit liminal? it had these cream ceramic tiles all over and besides the noise of lights buzzing, it was very crowded. i think it was because of the opening of a store. a secondhand store??? i remember having a sort of itabag with me and i was rushing to meet someone, as for who, i dont really know. they gave me a bunch of photos and cards and then i rushed to my home to open and look at them all.
it was 5 or so postcards from golden bomber's 2016 tour, they were screenshots from the intro video and whatnot, and some tiny trading cards of yoshinori from waive (my favorite waive member. i kept looping shunshoku by waive last night so maybe thats why he was just THERE) if it matters he was wearing an outfit similar to his usual waive-era outfit with the black long sleeve shirt and whatnot but i opened them at the door of my home, and i distinctly remember the lights being a warm white. i love warm white lighting ANYWAYS and then i went through more of the cards and there were two chekis of kenji darvish for whatever reason? i got happy though LOL 
one was from like 2013 and was unique in the sense that it wasnt taken by him. it was a shot of him wearing a kind of bad boy outfit i dont know. he was makeupless though! and signed! the other one was from 2016 and it had him in that respirator thing from the 2016 tour intro video. then i actually went into my home and went to my drawer to organize all the cards i got and i found out a dvd i own just CRACKED. like it had this huge crack spanning the length of the was a kenji dvd that i own irl too...then i woke up i think?

(note: i searched up the meaning of something valuable breaking in a dream and it said its to honor something passing? wonder what that could mean for me)

the second one i had was much longer and was much stranger. i had it two or so days ago? it involved me taking my alevel bio exam (the one AFTER TOMORROW) but i kept skipping. they had this weird question that spanned through the bottom of two pages like some magazine spread. they didnt give the bubble sheet right away, and because i kept skipping, by the time i came back the exam was over. then the dream devolved into some sort of heist type thing to help me get my paper back so that i can solve it then put it back in the office where they kept it. again, another weird building, after the exam was over it morphed from a school to a kind of bar????? at least only the first floor. they had this bathroom which was tied to a ds modding station (?????) and there, i thought i could solve my exam but it ended up being some random girl's i just kept trying to find my exam in the upstairs offices but i think i passed out in the dream before i could

ok thats all ;_; the timing of these dreams is a bit scary ill admit



  1. Warm white light gang we hate cool white light. Walmart 👎👎👎👎👎

    1. ITS TRUE cool white light will be the death of me . "uoooough warm white light gives me headaches" ILL GLADLY DEAL WITH THEM...AS LONG AS IT MEANS I DONT FEEL LIKE IM IN A HOSPITAL ALL THE TIME LOL
