Wednesday 13 September 2023

9.14.23 THE CREATION OF ROBOT K!!! (my comic :] )


i made a comic. as in i put some effort in it and i scanned it. wow! its about a robot made from discarded visual kei CDs who ends up alone! and she's gotta find a place to live!!! can she do it???? WILL SHE DO IT???? for now i just wrote a basic beginning to the comic. its fairly short (3 pages) so i hope its a fun read despite the bad pacing ^^'

click on the images for easier reading!!

below is a bonus message thing i did ^^

wow! quite awesome! 
will i ever make more? will i ever do something like this again? its a mystery...


1 comment:

  1. omg cat blogposting Return.........this is SO COOOOOL VERY enjoyable read‼‼‼ id love to see a continuation if you're up to it :] i love these characters and i wanna see where they go!!
