Saturday 30 December 2023

12.30.23 new year's eve...eve. kenji darvish paper doll introduction post!

 hello!!!!!! hope everyones well!

how'd the second-to-last day of the year go for everyone? good? 

not much to say honestly...i kept putting off making a post because i was lazy =.= but maybe a boring post is better than no post

anyways, song of the day! is this feeling love by tommy february6, suggested by my friend yutaka tommy february6 fan number 1 BECHA ^.^ hi becha 

ANYWAYS anyways. not much today honestly. i stayed at home

i also had a good breakfast :> fried eggs and hashbrowns. yum

i assume i should use this post to compile all my KDPD pics

KDPD (kenji darvish paper doll) is a paper doll i made of kenji darvish from golden bomber on december 13 2023. i like taking pictures with him. you will see pictures of him now. enjoy them.

12-13 he is learning...about...HIMSELF?

12-13 his beautiful face...first pic i posted of him

12-13 here's a better shot of him!

12-19 lyrics from 10 james orr street by strawberry switchblade. sad song :( i felt that way leaving from my old apartment only to realize i liked my new one too. it happens to all of us...

12-19 i took this directly after the lyric pics LOL...when i posted this on twitter a golden bomber fan i DONT KNOW called the pics cute. i think about that sometimes. it makes me smile.

and now for more misc pics! no captions im lazy just enjoy them

i hope these pics make you happy. 
have a great last day of the year tomorrow everyone :> 


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